Sunday, January 29, 2012

Intelligent Design

In a world where evolution dominates, creation is looked down upon there is a belief that there is intelligent design.  What is "Intelligent Design?"  Answers in Genesis defines Intelligent design, "The definition of ID can be best summarized as a theory that holds that “certain features” of living and nonliving things were designed by an “intelligent cause” as opposed to being formed through natural causes."  This is the result of people getting as close as possible  to the Bible without believing him.  I believe that Intelligent Design is a good way to start people into creation but it is only taking part of the Bible, twist it, and creates a false religion in a way.

Intelligent Design only takes part of what is the Word of God and throwing out the rest.  Intelligent Design (ID) gets the right idea that there is someone out there that created the world but they do not want to admit that it is God that did this. The author Dr. Purdom shares this, "Romans 1:20 states that all men know about God through His creation. However, recognizing that there is a designer is only the first step. Colossians 1:15–20 and 2 Peter 3:3–6 demonstrate how God’s role as Creator and Redeemer are inexorably intertwined. Again, God’s role as Creator is foundational to His role as Redeemer. Recognizing a designer is not enough to be saved; submitting to the Redeemer is also necessary."  There is no true knowledge of the creator if there is no Bible.  Only He created the Heavens and the Earth and He is the one who deserves full praise.

Here comes the twist, a twist of scripture that is. In the same article "Without the framework of the Bible and the understanding that evil entered the world through man’s actions (Genesis 3), God appears sloppy and incompetent. People ask why God is unable to prevent evil from thwarting His plans, resulting in such poor design, instead of understanding that because of the Fall there is now a cursed design."  It is twisted in that it is totally avoided, unaccounted for, and rejected.  As I mentioned before, ID is a great lead in tool to talking about God and His word.  

False religions thrive on ID.  The Intelligent Design Movement, an article by Answers in Genesis states each religions god has become a possibility for the creation of the world and that is why it has become so popular around the religious culture.  Muslims can say their god is the intelligent designer,  Buddha is the creator according to the Buddhists, the possibilities are endless.  The ID movement says, Hey, someone had to design it, it was probably your god.

False religions, a twist, and a lack of scripture result from the ID movement.  We need to go out and use the ID movement as a bridge to sharing creation and the Gospel.  We are not a religion we need to establish the relationship that anyone can have with the one who created everything from you to the algae in the pond.